Welcome to Good Money Chats, brought to you by Good With Money.
This forum is here to fill the money conversation gap.
Because one good money habit that we could all do better at is just, well, talking about it.
Yes, it can be hard to talk to friends and family about money. And financial advisers tend not to offer advice to those with less than £50,000 of spare cash ready to invest (ie. not to most of us).
There is lots of information about money out there: guides, price comparison sites and platforms.
But not much friendly chit chat.
So here is a place to find support and give wisdom; to encourage and guide each other through the maze of jargon, products and companies all wanting our money.
And because this forum is brought to you by Good With Money, the ethical personal finance website, you might also find some inspo and info on savings, investments, pensions, bank accounts, energy tariffs, credit cards and insurance premiums that do more good than harm for the planet, as well as making us better off.
Good money habits that waste less and save us more.
Tips on what to look for to decide if a bank or other provider is worth of our hard-earned cash.
Got a question about being good and doing good with money?
Good Money Chats is for you. But first, a few…
If you are joining in, keep in the spirit of the forums, outlined above. Support, encouragement, ideas and guidance. This is about making us all good with money. So there’s no point making others feel bad about themselves, hm ‘k?
Selling or recommending financial products or services here is strictly banned and we will remove posts that breach this. It’s OK to talk about what works for you or what you find interesting, but just don’t suggest any particular product will work for someone else just because it works for you, and if you work for a company and pretend that you don’t it will be more obvious than you realise.
We all have individual circumstances, goals and money demons to slay. Personal finances are hugely subjective. If you need guidance, the Money Advice Service is a great resource.
If you need help with debt, speak to a debt charity, such as StepChange or Turn2Us, ideally BEFORE it all gets too much.
If you need a financial life plan, you can find qualified advisers on unbiased.co.uk and vouchedfor.
Don’t forget to check out the Good lists on Good With Money for deals that are good for your pocket and better for the planet.
There is also a fantastic range of guides that will illuminate the world of pensions, ISAs and money management for you.
And don’t forget the Good Egg mark companies, which do more good than harm with your money, on your behalf.